Semi Independent Living

Semi-Independent Living

Our Semi-independent accommodation service supports young people – individually and in small groups – to live independently and manage themselves and their environment after leaving care. The level of support provided varies and is dependent on circumstances.

Our semi-independent living service provides individuals or small groups with accommodation, so that they may begin to establish and experience a homely setting which they can call their own.



Supporting and empowering young people to live independently in the community.

Our key/support workers are trained and experienced in dealing with young people with behavioural and developmental needs. In regard to children, we work to ensure that they are at the centre of all our service planning and provision.

We work with a range of agencies, such as job centres, colleges and specialists in employability training, to help young people maximise their potential for education and employment whilst living semi-independently.

HOPE is able to support semi-independent living, which falls within our Adults’ Service provision. 

We are able to provide support on a 24-hour basis, if required.

Individuals (service users) receive targeted support and close supervision, according to the agreement (care plan) drawn up with social services. The provision ensures that service users remain engaged with society whilst not becoming overwhelmed by their new settings.

Our supported semi-independent accommodation offers 24-hour supervision and observation. A small group project will comprise no more than 9 service users and include on-site staff whose responsibility it is to manage risk, monitor and report service users’ activities, anticipate potential conflict situations, resolve conflict and report incidents.

Supported semi-independent accommodation is suitable for those who require and respond well to structured living provision and strict boundaries. Accommodation is fully furnished and dressed, with utilities up and running. Each service user benefits from their own bedroom.

All projects are linked to HOPE’s (and the commissioning authority’s) emergency out-of-hours call team. The Adults’ Service Manager is part of the on-call service.

Areas of support may include:

How does it work?



The service user is referred to HOPE via social services or the local authority. Social workers or health professionals might identify someone who could benefit from semi-independent living. This could be an individual needing support to transition from foster care, a young person leaving care, or someone with a disability who wants to gain more independence.



A social worker or occupational therapist will assess the individual’s needs and living skills. This helps determine if semi-independent living is suitable and what level of support is required.

We will require the following information:

  • background information on the service user
  • a pathway plan
  • risk assessment and up to date profile, in order to assess risks and to provide a complete person-centred and safe support package


  • Referral & Placement

If semi-independent living is deemed appropriate, the social worker will make a referral to the local authority or a care provider with suitable accommodation.

The service user’s support package – ‘the care plan’ – is agreed by the service user, relevant authorities and other important adults connected to the service user. The care plan is signed by all parties.


  • Support & Monitoring

The service user is placed within one of our supported Semi-Independent Accommodation properties. Once placed, the individual will receive ongoing support from social services, a key worker, or a care agency.

This support can include:

  • Life skills training (cooking, budgeting, etc.)
  • Employment assistance
  • Social integration
  • Regular check-ins to ensure their well-being and progress towards independent living.


Our friendly staff are always available to provide any information about our services that you require.

Our team are happy to respond to any questions you may have and give you more information about our services.

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